Time. It’s worth more than money, more than gold. Time is the most precious thing in existence – once it runs out, you can’t get any more of it. Money and belongings can always be replaced but time is finite.

We all have the same 24 hours each day. But how do you use your time? Do you use it wisely or do you waste it? And how about your team?

As a training course provider, we know a thing or two about time management training. So in the interest of saving you time, here’s a quick overview of why time management training is so important. We’ll cover some of the problems caused by poor time management, and give you some handy tips. And we promise it won’t take long to read!

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Consequences of poor time management

You’re not productive and run out of time.

If you don’t know you have a problem, you can’t fix it. Many of us are spending our time rather than investing it. Are your team members caught up in being busy for the sake of being busy? At the end of the day, week, month or quarter, does your team have tangible results to show for all the time they’ve spent working? Without time management training your staff may not realise they’re doing anything wrong.

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Stress and bad work environment.

You know the feeling. Deadlines are looming and everybody’s stressed, panicking and relying on caffeine to power through. Things can feel out of control, but time management training will help you take charge and avoid this.

You struggle to focus and aren’t realising your potential.

When you work in a reactive way, just to avoid disaster you’re not working at your best. You’ll miss opportunities and your personal growth will be affected. Time management training will help you to realise your potential and work in a proactive way. You may surprise yourself with what you achieve!

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Time Management Tips

Goals and planning

Working without a goal is like driving a car without knowing where you’re going. Planning and goal setting will help you avoid the trap of being busy rather than productive. You’ll have to invest some time upfront but you’ll save a lot more time in the long run.

Prioritise your tasks

We all have endless to-do lists that we constantly add to, and this is why it seems like there’s never enough time to do everything. Prioritise the tasks that truly are important and urgent. Focusing on those and ignoring or postponing the rest will save you loads of time.


Any good manager or leader knows how to delegate. Identifying tasks that need your own attention and those that can be done by others will often result in far better outcomes. You’ll save time and your team can share the responsibilities. Team work makes the dream work!

Look after yourself.

Aside from time the most precious resource we all have is our health. The greatest asset any business has is its people. If you’re not looking after yourself, you and your business will suffer. Time management is so important for your health that even the NHS has a dedicated page of time management tips to help. So it’s good for your health, good for your team members, good for your business and good for profits.

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Book your team onto training courses

It might seem crazy to dedicate time to a training course when you and your team are already working in overdrive. But without time management training the problem may never go away.

Of course we’re biased as a training course provider, but the reason we do what we do fundamentally is to help business people save time and money. If training courses for time management don’t deliver great value we certainly wouldn’t be recommending or delivering them.


This 1 day course “https://go.courses/course/time-management-get-the-most-from-your-day” shares the secrets the busiest CEOs live by, maximising your time to help you achieve more every day. You’ll learn practical time management skills including how to set effective deadlines, when to delegate, how to say no, and how to work really effectively by prioritising what to do and when. Find out more HERE.

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