Microsoft Excel Macros for Users

Do you want to use Microsoft Excel Macro’s to make your day more productive?  Do you want to improve your Macro’s skills?  If the answer is yes, then we can help.   Our 1 day or 1/2 day course on Excel Macro’s will give you the right skills to make the most of this feature in and make your life easier!

* Learn the Macro’s basics

* Automate repeat tasks quickly and effectively using Microsoft Excel Macro’s

* Be more productive and become a Macro’s evangelist !

Our Microsoft Excel Macro’s for Users training course received an NPS of 9 out 10 last year.   

“brilliant course and having it tailored to our needs made such a difference’ . AJ Coles, UK Startup

Often users think Macro’s are hard to get to grips so we lift the vale and our genius instructors will provide you with expert guidance, so you quickly become confident with Excel Macro’s and learn how to use an Excel Macro to free up your time to do more interesting things.  Courses typically run for a full day but we can also run a 1/2 day as well if you need it.  All course content can be tailored to your specific needs which we arrange by conducting a simple training needs analysis (trust us, its simple).

During your Macro’s for Excel training day you get ample time to ask our trainer whatever you like so that we ensure the experience matches your objectives.  We pride ourselves on being approachable and take a ‘nothing is to much trouble’ attitude to all that we do, after all, once you become a Marco’s genius you may want us to teach you Pivot Tables or vLookups.

Please use the contact points on this page to get in touch or visit our in-house training page by clicking here