How to learn VMware On Demand

It’s 2021 and we live in an on demand society. We no longer set our clocks around our favourite TV shows. Instead, we stream those shows whenever we like through Netflix, BBC iPlayer, or any of the various on demand TV options. We expect our shopping to arrive within a day now we’re accustomed to Amazon Prime deliveries. We expect to get anything and everything when we want it. So why would IT and business skills training be any different?

On Demand learning is now available at Go.Courses, and one of the many training course topics available is VMware. Read on to find out how to learn VMware On Demand and how On Demand learning differs from other training options.

How to learn VMware

VMware is now one of the key players in cloud computing and server applications for virtualisation. Learning VMware has never been easier as there are now multiple ways you can learn it, including face-to-face, Live Online, and On Demand. With the right training course you can learn the skills you need to master VMware in a short space of time. The first step in learning a new skill is to research the range of training available, and decide which specific course or set of courses suits your needs.

Browse the full range of VMware courses HERE.

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What is On Demand learning?

On Demand learning is another name for e-learning. These are pre-recorded training courses that you can access via the internet. All of the On Demand training courses at Go.Courses are the same high quality training normally delivered by our expert instructors face-to-face, but you attend online instead, at a time that suits you. 

Find out more at 

How is On Demand learning different to face-to-face training?

As we already mentioned, the Go.Courses On Demand training courses are delivered by the same instructors that would deliver any of our training, whether it’s face-to-face, Live Online, or On Demand. However, the course content is delivered differently. Rather than learning live in real-time, the content is pre-recorded and available for you to access on the internet at any time. This comes with a huge range of benefits but does mean that you won’t get the same interaction with the instructor as you would from a live course. This is one of the reasons why e-learning or On Demand training courses tend to be available at a much lower price. 

Go Courses Blog Post VMware Learn Online

How is On Demand learning different to Live Online training?

As mentioned above, the content for On Demand training courses is pre-recorded and available to access on the internet at any time. The Live Online training at Go.Courses is also accessed via the internet, but is delivered by the instructor live rather than pre-recorded. Rather than accessing this at any time, you will have to attend Live Online training on your chosen date at the specified time, much like you would for a face-to-face training course. Live Online training gives you some direct interaction with the instructor without needing to travel. But, if you miss the Live Online session, you miss out on your training and would need to rebook.

Find out more at 

Which VMware courses are available On Demand?

We’re always adding new courses and currently there are 20 VMware courses available. Our extensive range of VMware certified courses include training on VMware vSphere, vRealize, VMware Cloud on AWS, or Horizon 7. All of these courses can be attended face-to-face, Live Online, or On Demand and you can browse them all here: 

You may also like to read our previous articles “Why become VMware Certified?” and “What is VMware used for?” 

What VMware certifications are available?

There are 4 different levels of VMware certification to choose from, depending on your job role and experience level:

  1. VMware Certified Associate (VCA): entry level certification for Administrators, Architects & Executives.
  2.  VMware Certified Professional (VCP): for IT professionals, Administrators & Engineers.
  3.  VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP): advanced levels for Administrators, Architects & Engineers.
  4. VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX): highest level of certification for Architects.

Browse the full range of VMware courses HERE.

If you have any questions about finding the right course for your needs please do get in touch and we’d be more than happy to point you in the right direction.

Go.Courses are now a VMware partner, which means we work closely with VMware to deliver the most up-to-date training courses and learning material. We have access to the best resources and offer an extensive amount of knowledge. We’re happy to answer any questions about VMware training, certification programs or any other questions related to learning IT skills.

Why not browse our VMware courses or give us a call to find out more?

What is VMware used for?

What is VMware and how does it work?

VMware is a leading provider of cloud computing software and server applications for virtualisation. Founded by five different IT experts in 1998, VMware has become one of the key providers in the industry. It’s now owned by Dell EMC and provides an extensive range of cloud computing and platform virtualisation software and most notably, its hypervisors.

Using VMware enables you to run multiple virtual machines (VMs) on the same physical server, using a hypervisor installed on the physical server. With VMware you can run multiple operating systems on one physical server because each VM can run its own operating system. The VMs on the same physical server all share resources such as networking and RAM. 

You may also like to read our previous article “Why become VMware Certified?”

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What are the benefits of virtualisation?

Virtualisation is the foundation of cloud computing. It’s the process of creating a software-based representation of something, such as virtual applications, servers, storage and networks. Virtualisation is the single most effective way to reduce IT expenses while increasing efficiency, flexibility, agility and scalability for businesses of all sizes.

The benefits of virtualisation include greater workload mobility, increased performance and availability of resources, and automated operations. These virtualisation benefits make your IT systems simpler to manage and less costly to own and operate. Further benefits of virtualisation include minimized or eliminated downtime, greater business continuity and disaster recovery, faster provisioning of applications and resources, and reduced capital and operating costs.

What is VMware certification? 

VMware certification will enable you to integrate and manage the range of VMware technology that drives the most desired business outcomes. There are several VMware certification tracks, including Data Center Virtualization (DCV), Cloud Management and Automation (CMA), Desktop and Mobility (DTM), Network Virtualization (NV), and Digital Workspace (DW).

You can see them all in this diagram

vmware certification tracks diagram

You may also like to read our previous article “Why become VMware Certified?”

There are 4 different levels of VMware certification to choose from, depending on your job role and experience level. 

  1. VMware Certified Associate (VCA): entry level certification for Administrators, Architects & Executives.
  2.  VMware Certified Professional (VCP): for IT professionals, Administrators & Engineers.
  3.  VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP): advanced levels for Administrators, Architects & Engineers.
  4. VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX): highest level of certification for Architects. 

Read more about VMware certification HERE.

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Is VMware easy to learn?

With the right training course you can learn the skills you need to master VMware in a short space of time. Start with the right course to suit your needs, job role and experience level and then work your way up. 

Choose which area you need to focus on, such as vSphere, vRealize, VMware Horizon 7, VMware NSX-T, or VMware Cloud Foundation. Training courses in each of these areas range between 3 and 5 days worth of training per course. 

VMware training can be delivered in a face-to-face classroom environment, at your own office, in groups or 1-1, or attended live online. All of the courses we run at Go.Courses are instructor-led and delivered live, rather than pre-recorded elearning (although this is coming soon), which means you’ll get to interact with the instructor and other learners, ask questions and ensure you understand everything fully. We also offer the Enterprise Learning Subscription which is designed specifically for IT organizations. This is an ideal learning solution for globally-dispersed teams with varied skill levels. 

We also offer VMware Lab Connect™ which is a self-paced, technical lab environment designed to enhance your learning experience. These cloud-based, on-demand labs let you practice the skills you learned during instructor-led training, dive deeper into features of interest, and get extra hands-on practice before applying your new skills in an operational environment.

Learning VMware has never been easier and we’re happy to provide you with more information and answer questions before you book your training course.

Browse the full range of VMware courses HERE.

What is a VMware Partner?

The VMware Partner Network is a global channel partner program with benefits and support to provide VMware’s virtualisation and cloud technology. VMware partners help you unlock the most value from your solutions, so you can achieve your business objectives sooner.

Go.Courses are now a VMware partner, which means we work closely with VMware to deliver the most up-to-date training courses and learning material. We have access to the best resources and offer an extensive amount of knowledge. We’re happy to answer any questions about VMware training, certification programs or any other questions related to learning IT skills.

Why not browse our VMware courses or give us a call to find out more?

Is it safe to have training face-to-face now?

Everyone’s lives were shaken up in early 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe. As lockdown restrictions in Europe and the UK have been eased, many of us are adapting to a new normal. This may mean going out for meals and shopping trips again, visiting family, friends, clients and colleagues, and going back to work. But COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, and all of these things need extra safety precautions in order to stay safe and avoid spreading the virus. 

The world keeps spinning, and your career and personal development are still important. So is it safe to take part in face-to-face training courses now? The short answer is yes, but read on to find out more about taking part in training courses face-to-face in a safe environment. 

Go Courses Blog Post New Normal

What does the new normal service look like for learning?

The internet has undoubtedly made this pandemic easier to live through, and online training and virtual meetings are fantastic options. With tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Hangouts, many of us have been able to work remotely from home and stay connected to our co-workers and customers. But you wouldn’t be alone in feeling “zoomed out” and fed up of doing training courses and practically everything else via video call after months of no other options. 

If you’re looking to upskill but would benefit from learning in a face-to-face environment, you may be wondering how this can be done safely. We can’t speak for any other training providers, but at Go.Courses we’ve ensured that all of our training can be delivered safely online, or in a face-to-face environment. 


You may like to read our previous article “What’s so great about Microsoft Teams? Why 2020 is the year to learn about it”

What are Go.Courses doing to ensure safe face-to-face training?

  • Face to face training is available at all locations in the UK and Europe from Monday 6th July 2020. 
  • All delegates will be spaced 2 metres apart and sanitising facilities will be in each training room. 
  • We are also able to deliver face to face training at customer venues from the 6th of July providing the customer venue adheres to government health guidelines. 

These measures mean we can deliver top quality training to you safely. If you have any questions about the training and safety precautions we are taking just drop us a message and we’d be happy to help. 

Go Courses Blog Home Learning

What online training options are available?

As before, you can still take part in any of our training courses live online. These courses are delivered by the same expert instructors as our face-to-face courses and are live, interactive training sessions rather than pre-recorded elearning content. 

On demand learning (also known as elearning) is also an option which is growing in popularity. While we’ve traditionally focussed on delivering our online training live, we’ve begun to add on demand elearning options to our wide range of training courses. You’ll see some of our courses show the on demand learning price but you can enquire about any course and we’ll be happy to provide you with information about on demand learning options.

How do I enquire or book training?

You can browse and search all of our training courses online, plus view the next available course dates and prices for the various course options. To enquire or book simply fill out our enquiry forms, email us or give us a call. 


You may also like to read our previous articles “How to make your training budget go further” and “Online learning vs instructor-led training – which is the best investment?”.

What are the most desirable skills to have post-pandemic?

2020 has certainly been a year of unexpected change due to the coronavirus pandemic. In the UK, normality went out of the window in March and is unlikely to return. We’ll all learn to adapt to a new normal, with the impact of the coronavirus likely to take a while to fade away. The jobs market has been shaken up. Certain skills have been put into the spotlight and are now considered more valuable than ever. But which skills are the most desirable in a post-pandemic world? Read on to find out about these skills and how you can learn them.

Which skills have grown in popularity since the pandemic in 2020?

The coronavirus pandemic taught us to acknowledge and give thanks to NHS and social care staff, and “front-line” key workers, including logistics and grocery store employees. The world became very accustomed to working from home, or remote working. Software has enabled many of us to continue working remotely, and IT skills are more important than ever before. But it’s not only IT skills that have become more valuable…

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Leadership & Teamwork skills

With employees and team members no longer working in the same office, it’s more important than ever for strong leadership and teamwork to shine through. It takes good leadership skills to keep staff motivated and focussed when they’re all working from their own homes, full of potential distractions and an alien work environment. And for team members, working effectively together is the best way to overcome additional challenges.

How can I learn Leadership & Teamwork skills?

Try these training courses:


Flexibility & Adaptability skills

The global pandemic of 2020 has undoubtedly forced the world to adapt. Businesses that fail to implement flexibility and adapt to the “new normal” are unlikely to survive. Flexibility and adaptability have always been important in business as the world is constantly changing. Arguably, we’ve seen more change than usual in 2020 so far, but these skills will help your business to thrive whatever the world throws at you. 

How can I learn Flexibility & Adaptability skills?

Try these training courses:

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Critical Thinking & Problem Solving skills

Being able to face problems in the workplace is normally an important skill but when faced with a global pandemic this only becomes more valuable. Understanding the causes of problems, creating strategies to overcome them and turning problems into lessons will make you a valuable asset to your team. 

Critical thinking will help you to objectively evaluate information and determine credible sources from misrepresented data and fake news sources. This can help you to make informed decisions and take your company in the right direction.

How can I learn Critical Thinking & Problem Solving skills?

Try these training courses:

Creativity & Innovation skills

The pandemic showed us many examples of creativity and innovation from businesses. From businesses delivering services virtually rather than in person, to manufacturers producing ventilators and medical equipment rather than their usual products, COVID-19 has only emphasised the importance of creativity and innovation. Regardless of how much we rely on technology, we’ll always need human creativity.

How can I learn Creativity & Innovation skills?

Try these training courses:

Go Courses Questions Ideas Blog Summary

Emotional Intelligence skills

We’ve gone through some rocky times lately and with so much uncertainty in the air, being able to connect with people on an emotional level is extremely useful. Strengthening your emotional intelligence skills will make you a more desirable team member for any company.

How can I learn Emotional Intelligence skills?

Try these training courses:


Communication & Resilience skills

Communication skills are always important but the pandemic forced many of us to communicate through different methods than we’re used to. Resilience is also a valuable skill that will benefit you and your company as we continue in a post-pandemic world. 

How can I learn Communication & Resilience skills?

Try these training courses:

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Programming & Coding skills

Programming languages are one of the most popular and in demand skills to have in recent years, and the pandemic has only highlighted the importance of this skill. As the majority of the world was suddenly forced to work from home, software solutions were relied on more than ever before. 

You might like to read our other articles including “All the programming languages worth learning in 2020”, “Which programming language pays the most in 2020?” and other articles about software development and programming languages

How can I learn Programming & Coding skills?

Try these training courses:

Go Courses AI Blog Robot and Human Hands

Artificial Intelligence & Big Data skills

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been gaining popularity for many years, but the pandemic has put even more emphasis on the value of AI skills. With the workforce adapting to flexible working arrangements and evolving their business processes to enable them to thrive in a post-pandemic world, AI and Big Data will play a valuable role.

How can I learn Artificial Intelligence & Big Data skills?

Try these training courses: and


How can I learn these desirable skills quickly?

The best way to learn any of these desirable skills is to attend a live instructor-led training course. These are delivered online or face-to-face safely following COVID-19 guidelines at venues all over the UK and Europe in cities such as Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester and Oslo. 


At Go.Courses our mission is to bring you the world’s best training courses and instructors. Our aim is to make it easy for you to book training and learn new skills. All our courses are trainer-led by experts in their field and available all over the UK, Europe and across the globe.

How does AI benefit learning and personal development?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies are becoming increasingly important in our day-to-day lives, particularly in the workplace. Gartner predicts that by 2024 these technologies will replace almost 69% of the manager’s workload.

While AI has made headlines and raised concerns over job roles being delegated to machines and AI technology, these machines and algorithms are expected to create many more jobs than they replace in the coming years. Different sources claim different values, but they all concur that there will be much more to gain than there is to lose by embracing AI technology. The World Economic Forum (WEF) reported that 75 million jobs will be displaced by 2022, while 133 million new roles will be created with the growth of artificial intelligence in the next few years.

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What is AI?

AI is short for Artificial Intelligence, and it is technology that enables a computer to behave in a more “human” way. AI technology takes the information from its surroundings (or external data) and learns to respond accordingly, in a way that would mimic a human’s. AI will learn from external data and will flexibly adapt to achieve specific goals and tasks.

AI devices are now found in many of our homes with the rise of home assistant devices including Alexa, Google Home, Siri and Cortana. From personalised recommendations on entertainment apps including Netflix or Amazon, patient diagnosis in healthcare, through to flight simulation and driverless cars, AI boasts an impressive array of beneficial uses already, and the future has much more in store.

AI can be a chatbot that pops up at the bottom of your website or social media page to guide your customers or prospects through the most effective support or sales process. AI could be a learning management system asking your employees if they need any help. 

We’re already using AI in business, whether you realise it or not. Spam filters, automated responders, sales and business forecasting, security surveillance and many, many more handy tools have been saving us time and effort with AI technology for many years. 

How is AI used in learning & development?

AI is already making a huge impact on Learning & Development (L&D). Training programs and learning curriculums are benefiting from the huge amount of data which is analysed to optimise things going forward.

As we live and work in an increasingly diverse society, a “one size fits all” solution to training is no longer good enough. In schools, the curriculum is designed to suit as many pupils as possible by targeting 80% of the middle. But pupils struggle to attain their full potential when in the top 10%, and those in the bottom 10% have difficulties following along. But with the introduction of AI, teachers are not necessarily replaced, but they are in a position to perform much better by offering personalised recommendations to each pupil. 

AI has already started to make it easier to personalise training content to suit individual needs.

Go Courses AI Blog Robot and Human Hands

What are the 7 benefits of AI in L&D?

Benefit 1.  Embrace learning styles and deliver better training

A person’s learning style will affect how well their learning journey goes. This may be influenced by their age, ethnicity, cultural background and many other factors. AI provides organisations with the ability to tailor learning and development programs to an individual’s preferred learning style. With AI optimised training, the learning experience will be more enjoyable for learners, and help with their knowledge retention. 

This offers several benefits to an organisation, as you’re more likely to retain staff, plus boost morale and job performance, which all undoubtedly affect the bottom line. 

What are the different learning styles?

There are 8 main learning styles, which are:

  • Visual learners
  • Aural learners
  • Verbal learners
  • Social learners
  • Logical learners
  • Physical and tactile learners
  • Solitary learners
  • Naturalist learners

Benefit 2. Conduct online assessments and adapt training accordingly

Tests, quizzes and assessments are an important and valuable part of learning, and e-learning in particular. Post-course assessments are often used to measure the effectiveness of the training course, but these assessments are often limited to a “one size fits all” approach. As with the course content, AI can also tailor the content of surveys and assessments to suit individual needs. The data that comes out of these surveys and quizzes can also be analysed to tailor future training course content to that individual. An individual’s life-long learning path can be designed and tailored around that person’s specific needs with the help of AI. 

Benefit 3. Accessible training for disabled learners

Talent shortages have a major effect on most organisations. Disabled people are an often overlooked pool of skilled talent. But AI and other emerging technologies are making work much more accessible for disabled employees. Closed captioning on videos, audio transcripts, screen readers and remote working environments are all tools that we now have available to us thanks to AI and technology, making the world of employment and training much more open and accessible to all.

Gartner estimates that organizations actively employing disabled people have 89% higher retention rates, a 72% increase in employee productivity and a 29% increase in profitability. 

In addition, Gartner said that by 2023, the number of disabled people in employment will triple, due to AI and emerging technologies reducing barriers to access.

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Benefit 4. Make the learning process shorter and faster

AI can dramatically shorten the learning process by suggesting the specific modules your employee needs to improve their skills for the job they are doing. The system learns that person’s strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences, and will then suggest suitable training courses and modules for your employee.

Benefit 5. Enhance the training experience & improve soft skills

AI can improve the training experience for employees and provide valuable feedback on potential areas to improve.

You may be surprised to hear that AI can help improve your employees’ soft skills. Using tools such as speech-to-text, learners can receive useful feedback on their presentation performance, helping them to improve their pace of voice, number of hesitation words used, whether certain keywords were mentioned, and more. This can be combined with VR technologies, giving learners more insight into their own performance than ever before.

Benefit 6. Improve completion rates and absorption of training

Completion rates for e-learning/online training are low, and only 15% of people actually complete MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).

However, as mentioned earlier, AI can provide the most relevant training content and adapt this content to the individual’s preferred learning styles. Naturally, this tailored course content results in more engagement, interaction and higher completion rates. 

Not only will employees complete the course, but they are more likely to have fully absorbed the content and can implement the learning in their job role.

Benefit 7. Job creation

All technology, including AI, needs skilled programmers and engineers to make it work. Machines and algorithms in the workplace are expected to create 133 million new roles by 2022. Artificial Intelligence programmers and engineers are already in demand as this technology keeps evolving, so it’s a brilliant area to move into if you’re looking for a future-proofed career that pays well.

Go Courses Blog Header Best Paid IT Jobs

Where to start learning AI?

You may find it useful to read our previous article “How AI can help your training and your business”.

The best way to learn about AI technology is to book onto a good quality training course. We’re always adding more to our selection but have a look at the AI training courses and Machine Learning training courses. It’s worth browsing these Machine Learning courses too. These are all available online, delivered live by an expert instructor and available all over the UK and Europe.


Go.Courses offers hundreds of different courses with our mission to bring you the world’s best IT and business skill courses. We want to save you time, hassle and money while providing you with the skills to be the best you can be.

How to land a top job in IT

The tech industry is one of the most exciting, innovative industries around. It’s grown exponentially over the past few decades and each year brings new opportunities with it. If you’re looking for a career change with a promising future ahead, the IT industry is the perfect choice. But how do you land a top job in IT? You may be new to this industry, so where do you begin? If you’re already working in IT, how do you work your way up to your ideal job? Read on to find out all of this and more.

Go Courses Road to Learning

Learn about the tech industry & choose your ideal area to work in

If you’re just starting out and aren’t familiar with the tech industry, getting to know the industry is the first place to start. Knowledge and understanding of the industry will help you to figure out what type of area and role you’d prefer to work in, and what your options are. Luckily, gaining knowledge in 2020 is easier than ever, thanks to the world of tech and the internet. You could read industry publications, blog articles, watch videos and do plenty of online research, all from the comfort of home. You may find it useful to read some of our blog articles. These range from comparing a variety of programming languages you could learn, what the top paid IT jobs are, knowledge about popular cloud computing providers, and all sorts of other knowledge – dive in HERE.

Master a skill – stop being a jack of all trades 

Once you’ve done your research you’ll have a clearer idea of the areas within IT that you’d like to become part of – or avoid altogether. The next step is to choose a skill and then aim to master it. The best paid jobs in IT are for specialist roles, so being a jack of all trades won’t get you very far. 

You may also like to read “What are the highest paying IT jobs in the UK?” and “Which Programming language pays the most?”

Once you’ve decided on your skill, mastering it will require good quality training. Go.Courses specialises in delivering instructor-led IT training courses and you can browse the full variety HERE. To help you decide which skills might be best for you we’ve created a whole host of blog content which you might find useful to read. 

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Choose a relevant, in-demand hard skill 

When we say “hard”, we don’t necessarily mean challenging (although don’t let us stop you if you’re looking for a challenge!), but rather a technical skill. 

The Top 10 Hard Skills in 2020 are:

1. Blockchain

2. Cloud computing 

3. Analytical reasoning 

4. Artificial Intelligence 

5. UX design 

6. Business analysis 

7. Affiliate marketing 

8. Sales 

9. Scientific computing 

10. Video production

This list of hard skills came from the recent Linkedin Learning Report, which you can read more about HERE


You may also like to read “Why is Blockchain a mst-have skill in 2020” and “What can be learn from the 2020 Linkedin Learning report?”

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Develop leadership skills

Regardless of your area of expertise, leadership skills are always a good addition to your skillset. While technical skills change and evolve, leadership skills will always be in demand. If you’re already in a managerial role then you’ve probably already begun to develop this skill. However, managing a team is notably different to leading. Take a look at this course to learn about the differences between a manager and a leader:

If you’re at the start of your career and haven’t had any opportunity to manage or lead people yet then there are other ways you can flex this muscle. Volunteer projects, hobbies and side projects may give you the perfect opportunity to begin developing leadership skills. Try this course:

Go Courses Blog Happy People Amazon

Learn soft skills 

Soft skills are not as straight-forward to learn as hard, or technical, skills. These skills are focussed more on your human essence and how you interact with other people. Employers often state the importance of attitude as well as skill. Developing yourself as a well-rounded individual will often get you further than solely focussing on technical skills. These are the skills that robots and AI won’t be able to fulfil, and your long-term career prospects will rely on these soft skills.

You may also like to read “What can be learn from the 2020 Linkedin Learning report?”

The top 5 Soft Skills in 2020 are:

1. Creativity 

2. Persuasion 

3. Collaboration 

4. Adaptability 

5. Emotional intelligence

Soft skills are foundational and every professional should be working to build them. All the skills topping the list in 2020 focus on how you work with others and bring new ideas to the table. Click the links in the list above or browse our Communication Skills Training Courses HERE.

Research the companies you apply to

Once you’ve decided on your ideal role in IT and you’ve begun to master the skills needed, you’ll be looking to apply for jobs at the best organisations. To help tailor your initial application and then nail the job interviews, research the company you’re applying to work for. Again, the internet makes this easier than ever in 2020. There’s company websites, news articles, Linkedin, and easy ways to engage with existing or former employees. 

Go.Courses Which Cloud Provider to Use

What now? 

At Go.Courses our mission is to bring you the world’s best IT and personal development courses. Our aim is to make it easy for you to book training and learn relevant and important new skills. All our courses are trainer-led by experts in their field and available all over the UK and Europe, at any location, including live online.

Have some questions? Take a look at our blog or drop us a message and let’s chat.

How can Jira help your business?

What is Jira?

Jira is a powerful work management tool developed by Atlassian. Originally when Jira launched in 2002 the software was used for issue & bug tracking, targeted at software developers. It has since been adopted by non-IT organisations as a project management tool. The name “Jira” spawns from the Japanese word “Gojira” which means “Godzilla”. This developed from the nickname “Bugzilla”, which was coined by the Atlassian developers.

Go Courses Blog Atlassian Jira Training

What can Jira be used for?

Jira is used for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management. Jira can be used for project roadmaps, reports and analytics, task management, scrum management and kanban boards. 

According to Atlassian, Jira is used by over 75,000 customers in 122 countries.

Jira is now offered as three packages, Jira Core, Jira Software and Jira Service Desk.

What are the benefits of Jira?

One of the biggest benefits of Jira is how configurable and flexible it is. Because of this flexibility, Jira can be tailored for use in a wide variety of environments and scenarios. 

In recent years, Atlassian, Jira’s parent company, acquired Trello, which is another extremely popular kanban project management tool. This has resulted in some serious upgrades and improvements to Jira’s user experience and user interface, including their kanban system.

Jira gives businesses a huge amount of visibility when it comes to group projects. Jira connects all people involved together and allows all team members to know what stage a project is at and how progress is going. Tasks can be easily prioritised, and it’s easy for team members to see what their next task is, reducing the amount of time wasted and improving productivity. 

Browse the Jira training courses HERE.

Go Courses Blog Jira Service Desk Training

What is Jira Service Desk used for?

Jira Service Desk is software built for both internal and external support for your customers and employees. Help requests are submitted through a customer portal, via email, or through an embedded widget on your site. These requests are tracked as issues in a queue, which your support team can then work through. Jira Service Desk can be used to provide support across teams in IT , HR, legal, finance and more.

Browse the Jira Service Desk training course HERE.

Go Courses Blog Confluence Training

What is Confluence?

Confluence is a content collaboration tool developed by Atlassian. Confluence is used to help teams collaborate and share knowledge efficiently. This collaboration tool allows users to write, edit, comment and work together within the Confluence interface. Users can display a variety of content types using the rich text editor and a variety of accepted attachment file types. Users can control the visibility of Confluence content using Permissions and Restrictions, so only the right people will have access to relevant information.

Confluence and Jira were designed to complement each other, so there’s a number of integration points built-in. This gives users the ability to view, interact with, and reference Jira issues from a Confluence page. Confluence is used for project collaboration, functional specification gathering, project discussion while viewing Jira issues or creating new ones without having to leave Confluence.

The integration between Jira Service Desk and Confluence enables you to help your customers (and your agents) with a knowledge base integrated into the Jira Service Desk portal.

Browse the Confluence training courses HERE.

What is SAFe?

The Scaled Agile Framework (abbreviated as SAFe) is a set of organisation and workflow patterns intended to guide enterprises in scaling lean and agile practices. SAFe is one of a growing number of frameworks that seek to address the problems encountered when scaling beyond a single team.

SAFe is the world’s leading framework for scaling Agile across the enterprise and is used by hundreds of the world’s largest organisations. SAFe is designed to help businesses continuously and more efficiently deliver value on a regular and predictable schedule. SAFe can help to create dramatic increases in productivity and quality, and improvement in employee engagement.

Browse the SAFe training courses HERE.

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Who are Valiantys?

Valiantys are partners with Atlassian and they provide quick, practical solutions to client needs by applying industry standards (Agile, CMMi and ITIL) to modern software tools.

Valiantys’s consultants have helped over 4,000 organizations across every sector effectively deploy and adopt Atlassian tools. They focus on harnessing the power of best-in-class software and collaboration practices, empowering businesses to focus on what they do best: building and selling their products.


Go.Courses have recently formed a partnership with Valiantys which means we have become an official reseller of their services. Find out more about Valiantys HERE.


At Go.Courses our mission is to bring you the world’s best IT courses. Our aim is to make it easy for you to book training and learn new skills. All our courses are instructor-led by experts in their field and training can be delivered online, in-house at your office or at a variety of locations.

Why not browse our Jira courses or give us a call to find out more?

Why is Google Cloud Platform training worth investing in?

Cloud computing services are becoming more important for businesses every year. Businesses now rely heavily on IT infrastructure, and cloud computing is flexible, affordable and highly secure. Instead of buying your own hardware, it’s become more common to pay for access to a huge range of computing resources provided by Amazon, Microsoft, Google or other cloud providers. When you need more computing resources, you simply pay for the space you’re using on the shared “cloud” hardware, and the processing power you use, without the need to purchase any new physical hardware. 


But why is Google Cloud Platform worth investing training time in? If you’re wondering why and how to get certified in Google Cloud Platform, or if you’d like to understand the power behind this contemporary cloud platform, read on. 

Go Courses Blog Cloud Computing Providers

What is Google Cloud Platform?

Google created their first cloud computing service in 2008, and the service was made generally available in late 2011. While Google Cloud Platform may not have the reputation of AWS or Microsoft Azure, Google has become known as one of the “big three” public cloud suppliers.

Due to Google’s industry-leading web search and advertising businesses, the company has become highly skilled at handling big data. Google has a solid reputation and excellent capabilities when it comes to analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. It’s not uncommon for businesses to choose Google Cloud Platform alongside another cloud provider. However, Google Cloud Platform can be used exclusively by businesses for all their cloud infrastructure needs, depending on what your needs are.

You may also like to read “The top 6 cloud computing providers – how do they compare?” or “AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud – which is best?”

What can you do with Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud is a brilliant platform for app developers. You can find all the requirements for mobile application development projects, and their App Engine product can prove incredibly useful for mobile app development teams. And as an app developer you can create applications without having to deal with the server, so you can develop applications in an agile manner. 

You can also perform high level computing, storage, networking and databases with Google Cloud Platform. So depending on the type of app development you’re working on, Google Cloud could be the perfect solution for you.

Go.Courses Which Cloud Provider to Use

Why use Google Cloud Platform rather than another cloud provider?

According to Gartner, organisations previously have chosen Google Cloud Platform as a secondary provider rather than a strategic provider. However, Google Cloud is increasingly being selected as a strategic alternative to AWS by customers whose businesses compete with Amazon. Google Cloud is also a popular choice with businesses that prefer open-source software or are focussed on development and operations (DevOps). These businesses aren’t the right fit for Microsoft Azure.


Google Cloud has strong Iaas capabilities, but it’s PaaS capabilities are even stronger. The Google Cloud Platform also excels at big data, analytics and machine learning.

Google are clearly serious about building its presence in the cloud market. Google have now partnered up with Cisco, who have a strong reputation for scale, machine learning and the world of business.

Google Cloud Platform is gaining in popularity each year, and gaining credibility fast – with Apple notably becoming a Google Cloud customer.

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What’s Google Cloud Platform security like?

Cloud providers can usually provide higher levels of security than most in-house IT setups. Google’s enterprise security director has stated that “most businesses do not have the security intelligence gathering capabilities and resources to match Google’s.”

Of course Google takes security seriously and Google Cloud KMS lets you protect secrets and other sensitive data and manage cryptographic keys. It’s integrated with Cloud IAM (Identity & Access Management) and Cloud Audit Logging so you can manage permissions on individual keys and monitor how they are used.

Google gathers security intelligence from billions of transactions everyday and applies this intelligence in real time throughout the organisation. Google’s enterprise security director stated “a lesson learned on is a lesson learned on Google Apps”. He thinks that businesses will move from data centres to cloud computing because they have better security resources. Add to this the rapidly increasing number of sophisticated cyber threats that most businesses aren’t equipped to deal with.

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How much does Google Cloud Platform cost?

Google Cloud Platform is seemingly more cost effective than AWS and Azure. Rather than billing by monthly usage, Google Cloud offers pay-as-you-go based on the “per second” of usage. They also offer discounts for long term usage, starting after the first month. To get long term discounts on the other cloud service providers it could take you over a year.

So if you’re looking to start a new mobile app development project and keep costs low, Google Cloud could be the perfect fit for you. Google boasts that its cloud services have customer-friendly pricing, and they average 60% less for many compute workloads compared to other cloud providers. They’re clearly putting pressure on AWS and Azure to keep the market prices lower.

What training courses are available for Google Cloud Platform?

There are a wide range of training courses available for Google Cloud Platform, and you can browse them all HERE. If you’re looking for architecting with Google Cloud, developing applications with Google Cloud, data engineering on Google Cloud, or fundamentals of Google Cloud, there are courses to suit your needs.

And the good news is you’re not stuck with using the same system forever. AWS professionals can take this course to learn Google Cloud, making it easy to switch from one cloud provider to another. 

You may also like to read “The top 6 cloud computing providers – how do they compare?” or “AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud – which is best?”


At Go.Courses our mission is to bring you the world’s best IT courses. Our aim is to make it easy for you to book training and learn new skills. All our courses are trainer-led by experts in their field and training can be delivered online, in-house at your office or at a variety of locations. Why not browse our courses or give us a call to find out more?

Why is Blockchain a must-have skill in 2020?

In our recent overview of the 2020 Linkedin Learning Report, we highlighted the surprising addition of blockchain to the list of top hard skills in 2020. Blockchain not only made the list of top skills for the first time, but came out on top.

So, clearly blockchain is a must-have skill for 2020 and an important technology to learn. Read on to find out what blockchain actually is, what it’s used for, and how to start learning this in-demand skill.

What is Blockchain?

Put simply, blockchain is a revolutionary technology that is becoming extremely popular. A blockchain is a growing list of records (also known as blocks), which are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a timestamp, transaction data, and a link to the previous block, which creates a chain. 


A blockchain is designed to be resistant to modification of data. It’s an “open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently, in a verified and permanent way”. 


While this technology is already proving popular, blockchain is expected to have a considerable impact on many industries over the next few years.

Go Courses Blog Learn Blockchain

What is Blockchain used for?

The most common use for blockchain technology is to build cryptocurrencies (cryptocurrencies are a type of digital or virtual money), such as Bitcoin. While blockchain technology can be used for other purposes aside from financial, it lends itself well to being used for electronic transactions involving large amounts of money, because the technology is so resilient and reliable. 

As well as cryptocurrencies and financial services, blockchain technology is used for smart contracts, supply chain logistics and management, insurance and even video games. Over the coming years we’re likely to see blockchain commonly used for a wide range of purposes.

How do I start learning Blockchain?

With the right training, you could be knowledgeable in blockchain within a few days. There are many different training courses available on blockchain technology, but if you’re brand new to blockchain, try the Blockchain on IBM Z course or the Blockchain Architecture course. These blockchain courses each consist of 18 hours of live instructor-led training that can be delivered online (and once the COVID-19 crisis passes, this course can be delivered at your own office or at a choice of several locations all over the UK, Europe and beyond).

If you’d like a broader overview and want to learn about two emerging technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as blockchain, this 6 hour IoT and Blockchain course is ideal for you. This training course is also delivered by an expert instructor live online (and once the COVID-19 crisis passes, it can be delivered at your own office or at several locations all over the UK, Europe and beyond).

There are plenty of other courses to browse too – find the full range of Blockchain courses HERE or contact us to find out more.

At Go.Courses our mission is to bring you the world’s best IT courses. Our aim is to make it easy for you to book training and learn new skills.

The benefits of learning from home

As I write this in late March 2020, it’s hard not to see the benefits of learning from home, as we’re currently experiencing a lockdown in the UK and throughout many other countries due to the Coronavirus, or COVID-19. But while the situation is unprecedented and extremely serious, it will come to an end. 

So this article will highlight the benefits of learning from home at any time, rather than focussing on only now, while we don’t have much choice. When you do have a choice and can safely leave your house again, we’d like to help you make informed decisions about your learning options. So read on to find out why learning from home is beneficial, what the different online learning options are, and how to enroll on an online training course.

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What are the main benefits of learning online at home?

Upskill in your own time

Whether you’re at home self-isolating from a virus, taking some annual leave or sabbatical time, or suffering from an injury or illness, you may find yourself re-evaluating your skills and career path at certain times in your life. There comes a time when binge-watching Netflix shows or playing video games loses its novelty, and you may want to put your spare time to good use. Learning a new skill online at home is easy and can be extremely rewarding. The most successful people in life never stop learning.

Stay healthy & protect others

If the 2020 COVID-19 crisis has taught us anything, it’s that people should stay home and keep their distance from others when they have an illness that could be contagious. This applies in any year, whether it’s regular old flu, the common cold, or any other bugs that spread around. But you can continue to be productive, work from home and learn from home using the wonders of the internet, software applications, and online learning providers. 

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Same high quality instructors & interaction

With all of the Go.Courses online courses you will find that our expert instructors who normally deliver face-to-face training are the same expert instructors delivering the online training. Plus it’s as interactive as a face-to-face course, as it’s delivered live online and in groups of any size from 1-1 upwards. Whether you’re UK-based, located in Europe or anywhere else in the world, you can benefit from online learning.

Huge savings

As well as saving money on travel, hotel accommodation and evening meals, our online training courses cost less than our face-to-face courses, because our instructors don’t have those added costs either. You can also save more money by booking group courses conducted live online. 

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Fast booking process

Have a browse at the courses, or search for one you already have in mind. You might find our knowledge base and blog useful as we’ve compared many courses and answered all sorts of questions related to programming languages and software development, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Microsoft Office, cyber security, IT service and architecture, sales, marketing, customer care and much more. 

If you’re struggling to decide which course is the best fit for you some of these articles might help. But we’re also here to help so feel free to phone or message us with any questions you have. From there we can get you booked onto the right course in as little as 48 hours, but we’ll arrange a suitable time and date that works for you.

Wide range of training courses to choose from

You can learn pretty much anything online these days, if you know where to look. YouTube is great for learning yoga, DIY skills and hair tutorials, but Go.Courses is perfect for learning IT skills and business skills. All of our courses are available as face-to-face or online delivery and you can browse them all HERE.

Go Courses Blog Home Learning

What are the different online learning options?

There are endless options for learning all sorts of things online in 2020. It could be worth evaluating your existing skills and deciding whether you’d like to improve any of those, or if you’d like to learn something brand new. Perhaps you’ve been hoping to learn a programming language? Maybe you’d finally like to understand how to use Microsoft Excel properly? You might benefit from learning more about Microsoft Teams as you embrace remote working. Perhaps you’re curious about emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or blockchain? Regardless of your area of interest, you’ll find a training course to suit. 

If you’re interested in any of the above, or other IT and business skills, Go.Courses is likely to be the best training provider for you, as that’s exactly what we specialise in. Unlike many elearning courses, our training is always delivered live by an expert instructor and the session will be interactive, so it’s not just recorded content that you could dip in and out of. You’ll certainly have to pay full attention during the course, but you’ll gain a much higher level of knowledge from this type of training.

Of course, if you’d prefer to dip in and out of pre-recorded video courses, there are many other alternatives that might suit you better. You could try Linkedin Learning, Udemy, Teachable, or even YouTube to find a course that will give you a basic level of a particular subject.

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How do I enroll on an online training course?

We can’t speak for other sources, but it couldn’t be easier to get enrolled on your online training course at Go.Courses. Either browse the site or search for a particular course subject at and then contact us to ask any questions or get yourself booked onto the course. We’ll connect you to one of our expert instructors and can have the course delivered to you in as little as 48 hours. We’ll arrange a time and date that suits you, and can deliver the online training on a 1-1 basis or as a group training course whether you’re in the UK, Europe or anywhere else in the world.


Still have some questions? Take a look at our blog or drop us a message and let’s chat.