DevOps Zero to Hero Workshop

This 2-day workshop enables IT professionals to start actively using AWS.

The focus is to gain hands on experience with AWS through practice. The workshop will focus on building 4 different apps from the ground up and deploying them to Amazon Web Services. These apps will be cloud native and have minimal code and make full use of AWS services including EC2, EBS, ELB, ECS, Fargate, EKS, VPC, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, Route53, IAM, RDS, CloudFormation, CloudFront, SQS and SNS.

The workshop is not about teaching coding, we will use ready made code snips and we’ll customise it to achieve the outcome required. Basic scripting experience would be helpful but coding is not a prerequisite.

The ideal student is an IT a professional who has minimal or no experience with AWS and wants to be cloud native and transition to a cloud architect or devops role.

Group discussion and white boarding, demonstrations and actual lab work are central to this workshop providing best value of time in class. There is deliberately very minimal slide presentation to maximise hands on and group discussion time. As such there is not a course manual, but instead a set of worksheets to guide the student through the lab exercises and to provide basic reference on each AWS service we use; its purpose, basic instruction on its use, including console, web and API.



In module 1 we will create an environment in an AWS account to run a 2 tier web application. We will start with a basic deployment and discuss as a group how to make the application perform better and scale. This will examine EC2 instance type choices, Elastic Block Storage options and caching and offload options such as CloudFront and S3 for static content hosting. We will start with database in EC2 and migrate it to AWS Relational Database Services (RDS) to see the difference in AWS-managed database services.


In this module we will deploy an application using an infrastructure-as-code template. We will first create the template using CloudFormation designer, then make manual modifications to it and deploy our application. The application we will deploy in this module is comprised of EC2 instances for front end and a NoSQL database backend using DynamoDB. Once our application is deployed and working, we will update our CloudFormation template and be able automate the update of our application stack. During discuss of DynamoDB we plan and implement changes to our application to ensure best possible performance from DynamoDB.


In this module, we will redeploy our application using managed container orchestration with AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS). We will repackage our application for a Docker container image, deploy to registry and then consume with ECS. We will first use EC2 launch type, then migrate to Fargate launch type to eliminate the EC2 component. We will then compare and discuss alternate container strategy including running container runtime in EC2 instances and demonstrate consuming managed Kubernetes using Elastic Kuberentes Service (EKS).


In this module, we will build a true serverless application making use of the AWS building blocks. We will start by building a RESTful API with API Gateway and connect it to an existing web service. We will then build a backend with Lambda functions using S3 and DynamoDB as datastores. The Lambda functions will be decoupled and buffered from one another using Simple Queuing Service (SQS). We will then add in event driven notifications using Simple Notification Service (SNS).


Shaping our future leaders and decision makers

Go Fish Education came into being a little over 2 years ago. It was the brainchild of Kerry Brown and was born out of the need to work flexibly and professionally within the education sector. Kerry began Go Fish Education as a small scale tutoring business which quickly grew.

Based on the fundamental principals of Growth Mindset, Kerry began by running small workshops and tutor sessions for children in the Bournemouth area. Starting off with only a few students, the business quickly grew and needed to expand. Go Fish Education now works with a number of schools in Bournemouth, Dorset and Hampshire. We also have a network of approved tutors which we are happy to recommend.

Go Fish Education offers a range of courses and workshops including Growth Mindset, Coaching and Mentoring, 11+ Preparation, Y6 Boosters, Times Table Masterclass, Anger management, P16 Advice and most recently Home School Hubs. Go Fish Education now helps and supports a number of individuals, families and schools in the Southwest. We also offer educational assessments to help parents understand their children’s academic needs.

All of the courses and workshops we offer are delivered face to face. We believe this is the only way to really build those meaningful relationships which are invaluable for helping young learners. Not adverse to technology, we also utilise social media to advertise our services, network with parents and schools and post interesting and engaging articles about the changing face of education in the UK.

Both of the Directors are ex-teachers and have over 20 years experience of education at the highest level. Kerry has been a SeNCO, year leader, Deputy Head Teacher and Head Teacher. She is also a published author and a National Blog Award Judge. Dylan has also worked in education for over 20 years in roles as Assistant Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form, Head of Faculty and Head of Department. His passion is psychology and learning and uses this to underpin all of his day to day work.

2019 looks like becoming a very exciting time for Go Fish Education. Now that we have a well established client base, we are looking at developing our business model to allow us to work with more children and families. Education has faced sever funding cuts over the last few years.  As a result services within schools have been inevitably hit. Parents are now adopting the mindset that if schools can’t provide the level of support required, then it is up to them to provide the best possible experience for their children. We hope that our package of courses and workshops are affordable, good quality and make children’s lives better.  We are Go Fish Education…

How to make your training budget go further

Money doesn’t grow on trees. As a business owner, managing director or line manager, watching the bottom line and not wasting money is always important. Money is the lifeblood of business.

As business people we know that you have spend money to make money. The key is to invest money rather than waste it. One of the best investments you could make is in the people that work for you. So investing in training is vital. But how do you get the most out of your training budget? There’s always more you’d like to invest in, but the budget is always limited.

At Go.Courses a huge part of our mission is to save you money while providing you with the best training possible, so you can be the best you possibly can be. Read on to find out how to save money on training, without sacrificing anything. You may be surprised by some of these suggestions but we promise it’s all true!

Help Business Make More Money

How to save money on training

Have the training in-house

This may be stating the obvious, but by having your training in your own office, you save money. No travel costs, no paying for hotels or food and drinks expenses in major cities. By having the training in your own office you’ll save plenty of money.

But what if you need some training tailored to your specific needs? You might expect bespoke in-house training to cost the earth, but it doesn’t have to. Not every training provider can offer this service, but every course at Go.Courses can be delivered in your own office or venue. This saves you money, but even more importantly it will save you time and hassle. All your staff need to do is turn up to work as usual. The training will come to them. Find out more HERE.

Go Courses Blog AWS Time in Flames

Be efficient with time.

Splitting a full day in half and having 2 half day sessions running back to back will save you money as well as time. By running a morning training session for one group and an afternoon training session for another group, your staff will have less time away from their desks. They’re also likely to have more energy and pay more attention with a half day of training.

So be sure to ask your training provider for back to back sessions to get the most from your training budget. This is something Go.Courses can easily do for you but other training providers may not be as flexible.

Conduct a training needs analysis

You know your business and you know your team members. Before booking training for them be sure to evaluate who needs what. It would be a complete waste of time and money to teach someone a skill they already have.

Most courses come in beginner, intermediate or advanced levels, so it’s important to figure out which level your team members are currently on, and which level of training they need. The last thing you want is to pay for a team member to do a 3 day training course that they don’t understand. Some of your staff may even surprise you with hidden skills you didn’t know they had. Don’t waste money on training they don’t need.

Go Courses Blog Header Group Training

Figure out how many people to train at once.

Whether you’re booking training courses at a choice of locations or having the training in your own office, figuring out how many team members need the same training will affect the price you pay. Once you’ve done your training needs analysis you will have a clear idea of who needs what. So being logical and having multiple team members on the same training course can make it more cost effective and save you money.

If you’re having your training in-house with Go.Courses the minimum number of delegates is just 2 people. So if your staff don’t need the same training, don’t waste time and money training your whole department if it’s not necessary. If you’re looking for some clear guidance on how to make the most of your training budget we’re here to help.

Go Courses Blog Piggy Bank

Purchase your training upfront with a skills licence.

A skills licence is the most effective way to make the most of your training budget. If you’ve not come across this before, it’s really quite simple. With a skills licence you can flexibly book multiple days of training in advance at a discounted rate. So you can plan your training needs ahead and save plenty of money. To find out more about skills licences get in touch here.


Need a chat to figure out how to get the most from your training budget? We’re here to help.

Drop us a message or give us a call and we’ll answer any questions you have.

Why Time Management Training is SO Important

Time. It’s worth more than money, more than gold. Time is the most precious thing in existence – once it runs out, you can’t get any more of it. Money and belongings can always be replaced but time is finite.

We all have the same 24 hours each day. But how do you use your time? Do you use it wisely or do you waste it? And how about your team?

As a training course provider, we know a thing or two about time management training. So in the interest of saving you time, here’s a quick overview of why time management training is so important. We’ll cover some of the problems caused by poor time management, and give you some handy tips. And we promise it won’t take long to read!

Go Courses Blog AWS Time in Flames

Consequences of poor time management

You’re not productive and run out of time.

If you don’t know you have a problem, you can’t fix it. Many of us are spending our time rather than investing it. Are your team members caught up in being busy for the sake of being busy? At the end of the day, week, month or quarter, does your team have tangible results to show for all the time they’ve spent working? Without time management training your staff may not realise they’re doing anything wrong.

Go Courses Blog Stress at Work

Stress and bad work environment.

You know the feeling. Deadlines are looming and everybody’s stressed, panicking and relying on caffeine to power through. Things can feel out of control, but time management training will help you take charge and avoid this.

You struggle to focus and aren’t realising your potential.

When you work in a reactive way, just to avoid disaster you’re not working at your best. You’ll miss opportunities and your personal growth will be affected. Time management training will help you to realise your potential and work in a proactive way. You may surprise yourself with what you achieve!

Go.Courses Blog Alarm Clock AWS

Time Management Tips

Goals and planning

Working without a goal is like driving a car without knowing where you’re going. Planning and goal setting will help you avoid the trap of being busy rather than productive. You’ll have to invest some time upfront but you’ll save a lot more time in the long run.

Prioritise your tasks

We all have endless to-do lists that we constantly add to, and this is why it seems like there’s never enough time to do everything. Prioritise the tasks that truly are important and urgent. Focusing on those and ignoring or postponing the rest will save you loads of time.


Any good manager or leader knows how to delegate. Identifying tasks that need your own attention and those that can be done by others will often result in far better outcomes. You’ll save time and your team can share the responsibilities. Team work makes the dream work!

Look after yourself.

Aside from time the most precious resource we all have is our health. The greatest asset any business has is its people. If you’re not looking after yourself, you and your business will suffer. Time management is so important for your health that even the NHS has a dedicated page of time management tips to help. So it’s good for your health, good for your team members, good for your business and good for profits.

Go Courses Blog Header Group Training

Book your team onto training courses

It might seem crazy to dedicate time to a training course when you and your team are already working in overdrive. But without time management training the problem may never go away.

Of course we’re biased as a training course provider, but the reason we do what we do fundamentally is to help business people save time and money. If training courses for time management don’t deliver great value we certainly wouldn’t be recommending or delivering them.


This 1 day course “” shares the secrets the busiest CEOs live by, maximising your time to help you achieve more every day. You’ll learn practical time management skills including how to set effective deadlines, when to delegate, how to say no, and how to work really effectively by prioritising what to do and when. Find out more HERE.

5 most useful things to learn about Microsoft Excel

1. The basics – how to use Microsoft Excel as a beginner.

Microsoft Excel is like a necessary evil. Whether you love or hate it, you can’t really avoid using it. It’s one of those tools that we can’t imagine ever going away. It’s just too damn useful. There aren’t many businesses that would claim to not needing Excel for one thing or another.

From the simplest spreadsheets through to complicated systems, everyone in your business should know how to use Microsoft Excel on a basic level.

Basic uses of Microsoft Excel include:

Financial – bookkeeping, calculating profit and loss, sales, cash flow, forecasts, etc.

Sales & marketing – targets, plans, actuals and predicted, campaigns, sales pipelines. etc.

Customer support – CRM, customer details, addresses, order status, customer history, relevant notes, etc.

Admin – stock lists, suppliers, costs, purchase history, etc.

Non business use – meal plans, grocery shopping & recipes, personal budget and finances, guest lists for weddings or parties, wedding planning, to-do lists, etc.

No matter what your job is, you’re bound to benefit from knowing how to use Microsoft Excel. Understanding and learning the basics of Excel will also help you in general life as well as in business and your career. Knowing how to use Excel as a beginner will even help you if you use another spreadsheet program such as Google Sheets, OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

Go Courses Blog Need Excel Training

So how do you begin to learn how to use Microsoft Excel?

If you’re on a shoestring budget then there are free resources available. Microsoft have a great support center with loads of free guidance and resources. There are also some other online resources so you can learn at your own speed and not necessarily spend a penny. But if you’re a managing director, line manager or business owner looking to get your staff trained up quickly and to a guaranteed standard, your best option is to book some in-house training at your office.

Whether you have one or one thousand staff members who need training, Go.Courses can deliver the training at your office over the course of a day or more, to suit your needs. The Introduction to Microsoft Excel course for beginners is ideal for a foundation level. This course is available at a choice of several locations and dates, or as live training at your office through Virtual Live Online or at your own office in the UK or Europe.

Mediacom Microsoft Excel Training Course

2. Pivot Tables – what is a pivot table?

Pivot tables are pretty magical. Why? Because they save you SO MUCH TIME. And who doesn’t want to save time?! But what does a pivot table do?

A pivot table in Microsoft Excel is basically an easy way to sort through lots of data and give you a specific result or a simple answer to a question. Here’s an example.

Let’s say you’re an international business selling products through a team of salespeople all around the world. You have all your data from the past quarter that tells you how many products were sold, when and by which salespeople. If you asked the question: “I wonder who my best salesperson was this month and which region they did best in?”, you can get the answer extremely quickly and easily using a pivot table. Doing this manually would take several calculations and a fair amount of brain power. With a pivot table, you can get the answer from your Excel spreadsheet in a couple of clicks.

Understanding how to use pivot tables in Microsoft Excel is usually covered in any intermediate or advanced Excel training courses. If you want your team to become experts at pivot tables then enroll them on the 3 day in-depth training course for Analyzing Data with Excel. If you’d prefer your training short and sweet then the 1 day Microsoft Excel Intermediate training course will be ideal. Both training courses can be done at your office or at a choice of locations.

3. Conditional formatting.

With conditional formatting you can change the colour of your spreadsheet cells based on the value. This not only makes your spreadsheet look more impressive – who doesn’t like a pretty spreadsheet?! But it also helps to give you an overview of what’s happening within your data. Using conditional formatting your spreadsheet can become a dashboard for your business. You can create a traffic light system and colour coded alerts so you have a clear idea of what’s happening at a glance.

Depending on the skill level of the team member you’d like to train up, conditional formatting is covered in both the intermediate and advanced training courses. Both of these can be done at your office or at a choice of locations, as with all the Go.Courses training courses.

Mediacom Microsoft Excel Training Course

4. Working with formulas.

We’ve all heard of formulas, but do we know how to use them in a way that helps our businesses? With the right knowledge, formulas can save an awful lot of time. Formulas enable you to do complex calculations without having to figure them out manually. Unlike using a calculator to give you an answer, using formulas in Microsoft Excel allows you to see the calculations broken down into all the components, making it easier to spot and fix any errors. They also update automatically if you change any of the data. Pretty magical stuff.

If you want your team members to learn the magical art of formulas in Excel this is covered in both the intermediate and advanced training courses previously mentioned. So determine the skill level of your team members and get them enrolled onto either of the 1 day Microsoft Excel courses.

5. Macros.

Macros are advanced Excel territory, but very nifty things. They can save you lots of time and effort. Basically it’s an automated script that lets you record actions that you’ve done with your keyboard or mouse and play them back. This makes it much faster to do repetitive tasks without any mistakes.

Macros in Microsoft Excel are an advanced feature and are covered as part of this 1 day Microsoft Excel Advanced training course that can be done at your office or at a choice of locations.


If you have any questions about learning and understanding Microsoft Excel we’re here to help! Go.Courses are on a mission to bring you the world’s best IT and business skill courses. We want you to save time, hassle and money while giving you the skills to be the best you can be.

Browse all of the Microsoft Excel courses HERE.

5 Essential Web Skills You Need to Invest In

The digital age is upon us and it’s only getting stronger. We’re all becoming more reliant on technology and we now consider good WiFi almost as important as fresh air.

There aren’t many industries left that don’t heavily rely on technology and the internet. So if you’re looking to learn any new skills or start a new career, web development skills are definitely a good place to start. But what are the most important web development skills? There are countless programming languages around, and the tech world is changing all the time. It can be hard to know where to start, especially if you’re new to it.

Read on to find out the 5 essential web development skills that will benefit you the most. You might be surprised with what you see!


Go Courses Communication Team Skills

Communication Skills

You may be wondering what communication skills have to do with web development. You probably don’t picture the stereotypical coder as the life and soul of a party. Web skills are all about technical languages and speaking in code, right?

While technical skills are vital for web development, it’s important to remember that websites are built for people to use. They’re also made for people who run businesses. People that sell things. People who have stuff to share. Before you can begin working on a project – regardless of how technically skilled you are – you’ll need to communicate with someone. Understanding what the client wants and what their expectations are is incredibly important. As the project continues you’ll need to communicate with them and work together.

One of the most important skills you could ever learn is how to communicate effectively with people. Not only will it benefit your web development work, you’ll benefit professionally in your long term career and personally. It’s a skill for life.

This is why it’s our number one choice of the 5 essential web skills. It’s also why we offer an accessible one day course called Effective Communication Skills, Make Every Connection Matter. The course is running in several different locations around the UK with a choice of dates so you can find the one that’s easiest for you to get to. You can also have this course delivered in-house throughout the UK and Europe.

Find out more or book on to the Effective Communication Skills Course HERE

Project Management Skills

So you can communicate with your clients and you’ve found out what they want you to create. Before you crack on and start your web development work it’s useful to set expectations with your client. How do you plan the project and agree the review stages and end point with them?

Project management skills are vital to guarantee the work you’re doing is what the client is expecting. Happy clients and happy you. But project management can seem rather daunting and overwhelming. It can seem like a complicated dark art. In fact, there are many people doing project management as a full time job. How do you learn this skill as well as all the other skills needed to be a good web developer?

We’ve got you covered with this 2 day Foundation Course. With a choice of locations and several days to pick from, the Agile Project Management Foundation Course will teach you all the basic skills needed to incorporate project management into your web development work. Your clients will thank you for it!


Go Courses Blog HTML CSS Logo

Front-end Language Skills

Of course you need technical knowledge to be good at web development. But there are so many languages to choose from. How do you decide which ones to learn?

Regardless of whether you learn and use Java, PHP or another language, there’s a set of language skills that every web developer needs to know. HTML, Javascript and CSS. These front-end languages are essential learning for any web developer.

The best way to learn them is to attend an extensive course designed for beginners at an entry level. If you book onto Programming In HTML5 With Javascript And CSS3 you can choose to attend in person or do the course remotely. To make it easier you can attend virtually live online and complete the course from your own home or office.


UX Skills

You may have heard of UX (or not). We like a good abbreviation in the tech world and UX is simply short for User Experience.

As with communication skills, it’s vital that you bear the end user in mind when designing web apps or websites. Human people are your end users. There’s no use building something technically brilliant if the person using it doesn’t enjoy the experience.

UX can sound like a complicated topic if you’ve never done it before. It’s not easy to view your work from someone else’s perspective. This is why we offer a 2 day course for Lean UX that teaches you everything you need to know.

Book on or find out more about the Lean UX Course HERE


GoCourses Blog Header Design Creative Ideas

Design Skills

You’ve made a technically brilliant web app or website that’s exactly what your client wants. But it doesn’t look too great because you don’t have any design skills. Would your client be happy with this?

Unless you’re limiting yourself purely to back-end web development you’ll need at least some basic understanding of design. In the web development world it’s handy to understand how to use Adobe Photoshop. Even if you’re not doing much design work yourself, understanding design elements and layers will help you to work effectively with a designer.

If you’ve never used Photoshop before it can look extremely complicated. This is why we provide a Adobe Photoshop Introduction Course. Over 2 days you’ll learn the basics and common functionality of Adobe Photoshop. You can even do the learning in the comfort of your own home or office if you book Virtual Live Online.


With this mix of skills you’ll have an awesome foundation to become a well paid and highly regarded web developer. Of course there’s always more to learn, but as a starting point you can’t go wrong with these 5 fundamental web development skills.

Go.Courses offers hundreds of different courses with our mission to bring you the world’s best IT and business skill courses. We want to save you time, hassle and money while providing you with the skills to be the best you can be.

Browse all of the HTML courses HERE.

The Secrets to Successful Group Training

So, you are looking to arrange group training but not sure where to start?  Read on, for our guide to how to arrange group training that will have the attendees signing your praises from the roof tops.

Assessing the attendees needs

The first thing you need to do, prior to arranging any kind of group training, is, assess the needs of the attendees (often referred to as delegates).  You can often read lengthy, dull, boring articles about conducting detailed and highly complex training needs analysis but in reality, the process is actually much more straightforward.  Simply put, we need to understand the needs of the attendee, but we must also understand that people are often reluctant to engage with training, so from the start the process needs to be as admin free as possible.  We suggest a simple questionnaire, which aims to broadly ascertain where the attendee is right now, and you then match that with where you would like them to end up.  Sounds simple, right?  Well, trust me, it should be.

Our top tip is focus on asking the delegates what they want to learn, less so on what you want to teach them.  The trick is to achieve both outcomes.

Selecting the right course

So, you’ve got the group in some sort of order and you know what they need to learn, now it’s time to select the right course.  For starters, any training provider worth their salt will collate your attendee questionnaires and from there they will be able to pretty accurately advise as to the best course or courses to suit your needs.  Most courses actually tend to be very short these days, we are talking 1-2 days maximum.  What we do is propose a full course overview which covers the specifics you need and then the ‘nice to have’s’.   The right course will often form the basis for any follow-on training so it’s important that you pick the best training provider who you feel can achieve this for you.  Right, content agreed, its onto logistics.

Our top tip if you aren’t sure of course duration; pick a shorter course to get you started as you can always plan further training if needed.

The training environment

Around 70% of training conducted in businesses these days, tends to happen within the premises of the customer, whether it be an office, factory, powerplant, it doesn’t really matter.  However, what is important is to ensure that the chosen room is bright and airy (ideally, lots of natural day light), there is comfortable seating for everyone, a white board, screen or projector for the trainer to use, free from work interruption’s and an adequate supply of tea and coffee!  If people feel comfortable, they feel relaxed, if they feel relaxed then they are far more likely to get the most from the training session.  Some training courses can be quite intense, so the better the environment, the better the impact.

Our top tip is to make sure everyone’s mobile and email is off; don’t spoil the day when things can wait till later.

On the day

It’s very important to send out an invite to all attendees at least 1 week in advance of the training course, but ideally the more notice, the better.  We suggest sending a reminder as well, if you can a couple of days before the course, so that everyone knows what time to arrives, what they might need to bring with them, and in some cases, any pre-course work that they may need to do.  Most courses do not require pre-course work so don’t worry, but some more formal courses, like say Prince2, do require some work to be completed in advance but you will always get plenty of time to achieve that.

With everyone seated your trainer will introduce themselves and go over the course agenda.  You will have seen a course outline in advance anyway, so this is very much a case of confirming how the day will pan out and set the tone for the session while also confirming the breaks and lunch arrangements, etc.   The majority of courses are what we call hands on, practical courses, typically run as a workshop type session.  While some training sessions can be quite academic, by the very nature of their subject matter, or dependence on a governing curriculum, a good trainer will always try and encourage delegate participation as much as possible.  After all, it’s better to be doing then not doing.  

Our top tip is to encourage delegate interaction as much as you can throughout the day; people will get so much more from it.

After the course

Once the course has completed, it’s really important to understand that this time is significant.  Delegates are going to be bursting with their new-found knowledge and skill, so make sure you take the opportunity to get some feedback and try and get it within 24 hours of course completion.   We use a feedback system called ‘delighted’.  Delighted asks a couple of very simple questions 1) how you rate the course (this is called NPS) and 2) some free text feedback.  The problem with asking lots of questions is that firstly, people don’t want to face a lengthy questionnaire, who does? Secondly, they tend to provide fairly pointless data, which might look ok in a spreadsheet, but it’s not really giving feedback.  If you let somebody speak freely, then they will give far more insights than would tend to come from a questionnaire.

Our top tip is to send the delegates the feedback link within 24 hours and reward them with a training credit for completion.

Post course support and follow-on training

It’s important with any training, that if appropriate, post course support is provided.   The support may take the form of course notes or documentation, or it may be that the delegates have a certain period where they can continue to contact the trainer.  Whatever form it takes, it’s important to ensure delegates can keep on learning and have the support they need after the initial event has concluded.   

In many cases we often uncover further training needs which need exploring.  It may be that the training level needs to be advanced for the same subject or that a completely new training need has been discovered, whatever the outcome, this can form part of the learning plan moving forward.

Our top tip is don’t ignore requests for further training; your best employees are the most eager to learn

The benefits of group training at your office:

  • Saves time and travel
  • Great for group bonding
  • Makes the most of your budget
  • Course content can be tailored
  • Delegate learning retention much higher

We hope you found this article useful and informative, so please feel free to share or comment or link or get in touch.   You can also visit our in house training page for further information.

Become a Solutions Architect and earn a £67,000 Salary

Would you like to become a high achiever in the IT world and earn an average salary of £67,000 per annum? If the answer is yes, then you need to consider becoming an AWS Solutions Architect and take the 3 day  Architecting on AWS training course.  AWS Architects are blazing the way in the modern technology arena and the demand for this skills set is at never before seen levels of activity.  This is about real people changing their lives through the use of technology and now is the best time to jump on board the AWS steam train, which shows no signs of slowing down. 

Consider these benefits:

  • This is the most in demand skills set in the IT market place
  • Average salary last year according to our friends at Glass Door was £67,000 per annum
  • AWS are seeing a growth of 50% year on year according to CNBC

Interested in becoming AWS certified?  Give us a call today or visit our full range of AWS Cloud Training Courses for more information.

GO… du Vin?

Fancy a night at Hotel du Vin – and dinner with bubbles – on us? All you have to do is find the bottle of fizz that’s hidden somewhere here in our lovely new website!


We’ll treat you – and your someone special – to a Lazy Sundays voucher at any Hotel Du Vin. This indulgent treat is well worth booking Monday morning off for!

Look forward to Hotel du Vin’s trademark laid-back luxury with a serious pampering, including fine Egyptian linen, a monsoon shower and all the little luxuries to make your stay perfect. We’ll even throw in a 3-course dinner for two, a glass of bubbles each on us, and a full brekkie in case you make the most of that wine list!


Clue: where would you find 7 good reasons to enter?


Once you’ve tracked down the hidden fizz, it’s easy to enter. Just email the link – with your name, company and phone number to

We’ll pick the winner at random soon – so don’t mess about, get treasure hunting! 

Introducing GO.COURSES – the all-new Course Academy

It’s been a big year for us here at GO.COURSES. We’ve got a new name, a new brand and a new website. We have a chat with founder Chris Onslow to learn more about what’s been going on…


Course Academy has been connecting people with the IT and professional development training they need now for over 14 years. We started out as a couple of guys who wanted to provide the kind of training services we wished we could use. Now we run over 800 courses every year for many of the FTSE 500. It’s been a brilliant adventure so far, but the Course Academy brand and website didn’t reflect who we are these days, or who we want to become tomorrow. 



Nick and I have long believed that great professional development should be easier to access. As people, we do all that we can to make life simple for our customers, and our standard response is ‘yes’ – to even the most unusual requests. It got us thinking – shouldn’t our brand and website reflect that? 

We started work with UX and tech specialists with a simple objective: let’s make organising training as easy as ordering a Deliveroo, or sorting out an Uber. 

Now, 6 months later, the all-new GO.COURSES is live… and you can be the judge of our success! 



Saying goodbye to Course Academy was emotional, but our old brand didn’t really reflect who we are today. Our new active name – GO.COURSES – and brighter, more modern new brand much better represent the kind of service we provide. 

It’s about showing that GO.COURSES training is accessible, premium and beyond easy to deal with. In a nutshell, we’re here to make all things training-related simple. The big idea is to help you achieve great things, fast.. and hopefully become the biggest, best IT and professional development training partner in the UK. 



Absolutely! Though Course Academy has a new look as GO.COURSES, and our site is a million times more user friendly (or so we hope!) some things will stay just the same. 

Nick, the team and I are always just an email or a phone call away, and we’ll always pull out all the stops to help you get the training you need in the way that best suits you. We’re still totally up for using our expertise and contacts to make whatever you need happen – be that MS Office in Shoreditch, AWS training in Aberdeen, or unforgettable personal development sessions at the top of Brighton beach’s amazing new i360 viewing tower!



As well as being here for our customers, we’re working on some exciting new course locations to add to our portfolio. I’m having a lot of fun researching fun, quirky places to host training days, from sky high spots like i360, to unusual listed buildings, even treehouses! We’re also increasing the number of courses accessible through our Learn Live Online service. 



No – it’s live learning in real-time, with a real coach, just delivered remotely. Basically, you can log into a live training session from wherever you happen to be. As long as you have a decent broadband connection and a relatively modern laptop or computer, you can join 25% of our classes. It’s already popular with remote workers and businesses who want to reduce unnecessary travel. 



It’s horses for courses. We believe that the future of training lies in finding every business’s perfect fit – be that on-location for a brilliant bonding and networking experience, at the company’s premises to save money, or remotely to suit busy diaries and remote workers. For us, it’s about being flexible and delivering the world’s best training in ways that work for you.