General security training – what type of cyber security training do you need? Part 3

Cyber security training can help you respond and resolve problems quickly and easily. Read on for a brief overview of 5 cyber security courses, so you can choose the right training course for you or your team members.

General security training – what type of cyber security training do you need? Part 2

Cyber security training can help you respond and resolve problems quickly and easily. Read on for a brief overview of 5 cyber security courses, so you can choose the right training course for you or your team members.

General security training – what type of cyber security training do you need? Part 1

No business is safe from cybercrime, and cyberattacks can happen when you least expect it. But having the right training can prevent or fix all kinds of nightmare issues. Read on for a brief overview of 5 different cyber security courses available, so you can choose the right training course for you or your team members.

What’s the most popular programming language in 2020? Python vs Java vs C

There are lots of different programming languages and some are easier to learn than others. We review the 3 most popular programming languages. Each of these languages/skills are in high demand and with the right training you should easily land a job and a promising career. Read on to find out which languages to learn in 2019.

Online learning VS instructor-led training – which is the best investment?

Perhaps you’re considering spending your training budget on online courses rather than instructor-led training. Your employees may have been nudging you to let them do their training from home, perhaps in their own time. If you can save money on your training with online options, why would you spend more on instructor-led training? To help you determine the best option – before you waste valuable time and money – read on. We’ve reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of both online and face-to-face training.

Why learn Python programming?

Python is consistently one of the most popular programming languages around and therefore a good skill to learn. But what makes Python so great, and how can you learn it? Read on to find out why learning Python is a great idea.

How to make your training budget go further

A huge part of our mission is to save you money while providing you with the best training possible. Read on to find out how to save money on training, without sacrificing anything. You may be surprised by some of these suggestions but we promise it’s all true!

Why Time Management Training is SO Important

As a training course provider, we know a thing or two about time management training. So in the interest of saving you time, here’s a quick overview of why time management training is so important. We’ll cover some of the problems caused by poor time management, and give you some handy tips.

5 most useful things to learn about Microsoft Excel

From the simplest spreadsheets through to complicated systems, everyone in your business should know how to use Microsoft Excel on a basic level. We provide you an overview of the most useful things to learn about Microsoft Excel and advice on how to learn them effectively.