What are the highest paying IT jobs in the UK in 2020?

What’s the most valuable IT skill to learn? We review 5 of the most well-paid IT jobs in the UK. Read on to find out more about these valuable IT jobs and how to learn them.

General security training – what type of cyber security training do you need? Part 3

Cyber security training can help you respond and resolve problems quickly and easily. Read on for a brief overview of 5 cyber security courses, so you can choose the right training course for you or your team members.

General security training – what type of cyber security training do you need? Part 2

Cyber security training can help you respond and resolve problems quickly and easily. Read on for a brief overview of 5 cyber security courses, so you can choose the right training course for you or your team members.

General security training – what type of cyber security training do you need? Part 1

No business is safe from cybercrime, and cyberattacks can happen when you least expect it. But having the right training can prevent or fix all kinds of nightmare issues. Read on for a brief overview of 5 different cyber security courses available, so you can choose the right training course for you or your team members.

Which programming language pays the most in 2020? Scala vs Java vs Python vs Ruby

What’s the most valuable programming language to learn? We review the top 4 most well-paid and well-known programming languages: Scala, Java, Python and Ruby. Read on to find out more about these valuable programming skills and how to learn them.

How to make your training budget go further

A huge part of our mission is to save you money while providing you with the best training possible. Read on to find out how to save money on training, without sacrificing anything. You may be surprised by some of these suggestions but we promise it’s all true!

5 Essential Web Skills You Need to Invest In

If you’re looking to learn any new skills or start a new career, web development skills are definitely a good place to start. Read on to find out the 5 essential web development skills that will benefit you the most. You might be surprised with what you see!